The Lion Within Us - Leadership for Christian Men 

424. More Grace In Jesus Than Sin In You - Fun Friday

September 13, 2024 Chris Grainger Episode 424

Ever wondered how to truly integrate scripture into your daily life? Our latest episode of the Lion Within Us provides the key, beginning with a profound reflection on Romans 7:24. We revisit our enlightening discussion with Pastor Joby Martin, where he shed light on vital topics like forgiveness, LGBTQ+ issues, pro-life vs. pro-choice, and IVF—all interpreted through the lens of Christian grace.

On this Fun Friday, I’m excited to share practical tips to enhance your health, wealth, and self. Tune in for recommendations on the Eleven 22 and Deepen podcasts for spiritual growth, learn why prioritizing tithing is crucial for your financial integrity, and discover how daily incremental self-improvement can transform you into a better husband and father.

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Join us for the Iron in Autumn Men's Retreat, October 18-20, 2024, at Abundant Blessings Farm in Stem, North Carolina. This is a men’s-only event, open to all men 18 and up.  Whether you’re gathering around the bonfire, hiking through God’s creation, or engaging in group sports, every moment is crafted to foster deep connections and personal growth.

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In just 30 days, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. This free resource offers a series of messages, with proven methods to simplify and apply God's Word to your life, empowering you to be an effective leader.  Visit to get started for free today.  

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Join us for the Iron in Autumn Men's Retreat, October 18-20, 2024, at Abundant Blessings Farm in Stem, North Carolina. This is a men’s-only event, open to all men 18 and up.  Whether you’re gathering around the bonfire, hiking through God’s creation, or engaging in group sports, every moment is crafted to foster deep connections and personal growth.

Reserve your spot at this link

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Get started for free with our 30 Day to Unleash the Lion Within series
In just 30 days, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. This free resource offers a series of messages, with proven methods to simplify and apply God's Word to your life, empowering you to be an effective leader.  Visit to get started for free today.  

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Chris Grainger:

Welcome to the Lion Within Us, a podcast serving Christian men who are hungry to be the leaders God intends you to be. I'm your host, chris Granger. Let's jump in. All right, guys. Fun Friday time, let's get right into it. Okay? So the scripture of the week this week is in the book of Romans, chapter 7, verse 24. It says what a wretched man I am. Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Guys, I'll unpack that scripture at length. So back up to in your podcast feed, to the SKO Spiritual Kickoff and what we do with that. Just kind of give you a framework. We try to help you simplify and apply that scripture to your life. Okay, so it's one thing just to read scripture, just to have it in your head, but then to apply it. That's where the discipleship comes into play, that's where really it comes down to moving the ball forward and hopefully that's where you're going to get out of that opportunity when you listen to that episode in particular, so you can see how you can apply it to your life. Now, if you missed the last episode and for some reason maybe this is the first time you listened to the Lion Within Us and this is the top one on your feed. You got to back up one. Okay, you got to back up one Because our last conversation we had Pastor Joby Martin from the Church of 1122 out of Jacksonville, florida, and he brought the hammer.

Chris Grainger:

I'm telling you, guys, this is the third time. That's right. One, two, three, third time that Pastor Joe B has recorded with the Lion Within us. Each time it gets better. I'm telling you, each time it gets better. I don't know, it's just, I'm more comfortable for one. Just the conversation seems to be on natural flow and he hammered us just incredible areas, from forgiveness to LGBTQ+ and how should that be viewed, from pro-life versus pro-choice, and where should Christians land on that to IVF. I'm telling you there's not many areas that we did not uncover together. So you want to listen to this one. He has this new book. We're going to talk about that and hear a little bit later in this episode but the whole book revolves around this idea of grace, that unmerited favor. What does that even mean? And how we as Christians should be responding to the grace that is poured out to us. So I'm just telling you you have to go listen to that episode. I'd love to get your feedback on it and then also share it out with others. Share that episode out, because Joby brought the hammer and I want to make sure we get this in as many years as we possibly can.

Chris Grainger:

All right, so now let's get to our tips. On a fun Friday, we always do a health, wealth and a self tip. That health tip is how do we have stronger minds and bodies? You got to have that as Christian men. For a wealth tip we need to be better stewards of our finances and our careers. So what can we do there? And then the self-tip is how can we improve as husbands and fathers? Because this is an incremental improvement. You're not going to fix just anything overnight, but day by day, a little bit. Over time, we should be getting better, and that's what this is all about. All right, for the health tip, I want mine here and I want you to think directly about what you allow to come in that speaks and helps you grow and transform, because in Romans it says Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So you need to be careful about what's coming in so that you can have that transformation.

Chris Grainger:

I'm going to give you two resources that I use all the time. That's the 1122 podcast that comes out once a week. It's the sermons Now it may be Pastor Ryan Britt or it may be Pastor Joby or they have other guests, but it comes out every week. And then the Deepin podcast. So that's D-E-E-P-I-N. The Deepin podcast with Pastor Joby Martin, where that comes out once a week as well, and it's usually Joby Britt and some others out there who are just digging in. So they're taking the topic that they're focused on, that they locked in on their sermon and they're unpacking it deeper so that you can have a better understanding. So if you're struggling with a certain area or you're struggling with certain scriptures, this is the podcast you want to listen to to see, okay, what's the story behind the story, what's the context that I need to understand at a deeper level. So those are two resources. I'm telling you they bless me weekly. It's by far hands down, what's helping me grow spiritually the most is just those couple resources and I think they'll be just a tremendous blessing to you. All right, so just check it out. The 1122 says D-L-E-V-N, and then the number 22 podcast and the Deepin podcast. All right For a wealth tip.

Chris Grainger:

Going back to some fundamentals here for stewardship Tithe first challenge, that's it. You got to start tithing first Because if you do that, you're saying you know what God. I trust you and so often I've coached people for so long now. Just anytime I talk and we start talking, it usually surfaces. We treat the tithe upside down in the whole budget. We say you know what we want to spend, spend, spend, spend, spend. And then what's left over? I'm going to see what's left over and then at that point we'll figure out what we want to do. And I was like no, flip it upside, flip it Give first, live on the rest and do that Not because of some rule-based system, because you want to honor and glorify God and it helps you get the right priority right. And when you get the right priority, the rest of the budget is going to start falling in line. Because if you focus on honoring and glorifying God, then the stewardship it's just going to happen, it's going to drive you to do that right. So again, making sure that you're intentional about this, don't wait for it to see what falls out, where things land. I'm going to be intentional as a steward because God has blessed me and this is how we're going to choose to tithe. All right Now for a self-tip.

Chris Grainger:

Proverbs 15.1 says something very simple, guys. It says A gentle answer turns away wrath. But a harsh word stirs up anger, okay. So consider a Proverbs 15.1 response the next time that you get into a little bit of a situation, okay. And what you have to do here is give us a soft answer, particularly when you're talking with your spouse or your children, and sometimes tensions can be high. And when tensions are high, you know what we lash out in anger. But that gentle answer that turns away that anger, that wrath that harsh word can stir up. And you have so much power in your tongues. Choose how you unleash that power wisely. Make wise decisions. Don't just go willy-nilly and just saying stuff. No, choose to use it and unleash it in a wise manner. And that soft answer right here, a gentle answer, that's going to serve you so much better than coming hard all the time. All right, guys. So that's it. Your three tips, your health, wealth yourself. Listen to 1122 and deepen that tithe. First challenge. And that Proverbs 15.1 response. All right Now the book of the week.

Chris Grainger:

No surprises here, guys. We got right here, run Over by the Grace Train by Pastor Joby Martin with Charles Martin. The four was written by JD Greer. Absolutely. Love this book, guys. You're going to enjoy it. I got to add this to your resources. That's out there. Add it to your library. Go check out the show links as well, as we'll make sure we have that in there so you can go ahead and get your copy.

Chris Grainger:

All right, now for our dad jokes. This week we got two good ones. Dad joke number one why did the coffee file a police report? Jokes this week we got two good ones. That joke, number one why did the coffee file a police report? Because it got mugged. There you go, that's it. Why did coffee file a police report? Because it got mugged. Number two how do you stop a bull from charging? We just had to cancel his credit card. That's what I got to do, fellas. So here you go. Remember our rules totally count, but let me know which one you like, number one and number two. Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged. Number two how do you stop a bull from charging? Yeah, cancel his credit cards, fellas. So again, don't shoot the messenger on this one. But if you got a dad joke you want us to use support at thelinewithinus. Send that dad joke in. If we use it, we'll give you some free swag. We'll hook you up just for being a good sport and help us out. All right.

Chris Grainger:

So now again, the question of the week we've kind of been talking about all week is do you see Jesus as a coach or your Savior? Now, how you answer that matters, Totally matters. You can't just be a coach. No, he has to be your Lord and Savior. Getting this mindset right changes everything. And if you need help with that, come to the Land Within Us community, join right now, where we can help you figure out.

Chris Grainger:

Okay, to be a disciple of Christ. What does that truly mean? What does that manifest? How does it manifest? Rather, in my life, am I doing the things that God's called me to do today so that I can advance the kingdom here, so that I can honor and glorify God, so that I can lead my family? Well, that's what we want to help you with. That's why we talk about health, wealth and self and trying to help you grow in all these different areas, because I know the evil one's trying to destroy you. I know he's trying to take you out. Therefore, we're trying to build up resources to help you fight back and push back and fight like crazy against the attacks.

Chris Grainger:

So if you need help thelionwithinus, let's get it started right now. We do it. We offer a month for free. Guys, try to start your 30-day free trial or join a daily SKO for free. Whatever you want to do Our summit we have so many different ways. Check out our devotions on YouVersion. We have lots of devos out there. We try to help serve people. Guys. It's all about helping you grow. So, guys, have a great day, get after it.

Chris Grainger:

If you need anything, just reach out next week on the Lion Within, share this stuff out with others at lionwithinus. Be a donor of the show. That would be tremendous if you would consider doing that. Ratings and reviews always help. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for listening. It's been a great week. Thank you again to Pastor Joby Martin for 1122. And, guys, just remember to keep on leashing the lion within In a world. The Lion Within. Leaders, god intends you to be here. You'll find the support you need to face life's challenges. Grow stronger in your faith and become equipped to face the battle that you're in. Stop waiting for tomorrow. Your 30-day free trial is the first step in your discipleship journey. Your discipleship journey Join us today at the lion withinus that's the lion withinus and start living with his purpose.

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