The Lion Within Us - Leadership for Christian Men 

422. Romans 7:24 - Spiritual Kick Off

September 09, 2024 Chris Grainger Episode 422

Can our self-awareness of inadequacy actually bring us closer to divine grace? This episode of The Lion Within Us promises to answer that by unpacking the powerful lessons from Romans 7:24 and the profound realization of the Apostle Paul. We'll confront the comparison trap head-on, understanding why measuring ourselves against others is flawed when God's holiness should be our benchmark. Discover the transformative power of grace, as we distinguish between needing a coach and needing a Savior, and explore how Jesus fulfills the role of the latter by doing for us what we cannot do ourselves.

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Join us for the Iron in Autumn Men's Retreat, October 18-20, 2024, at Abundant Blessings Farm in Stem, North Carolina. This is a men’s-only event, open to all men 18 and up.  Whether you’re gathering around the bonfire, hiking through God’s creation, or engaging in group sports, every moment is crafted to foster deep connections and personal growth.

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Chris Grainger:

Welcome to the Lion Within Us, a podcast serving Christian men who are hungry to be the leaders God intends you to be. I'm your host, chris Granger. Let's jump in. All right, guys, it's your spiritual kickoff. I'm excited to be here with you, let's go.

Chris Grainger:

So we're in the book of Romans this week, chapter 7, verse 24. It says what a wretched man I am. Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death, chris I am. Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? There is why are you going to unpack this one? I'm going to tell you why this verse is doggone important, so we're going to get right into it, guys. First thing you need to understand is where is the book of Romans? That is the New Testament Matthew, mark, luke, john. You get to Acts, then you get to Romans. Okay, so that's how you find it. Now again, spiritual kickoff. We do this Monday through Friday within our community. So if you like the SKU episodes and you find they are encouraging, literally do this every day, monday through Friday. We do it live, and we even post the recordings inside of our community, at the Line Within Us. So head over to thelinewithinus to get that started. So we're going to be talking a lot this week about grace A lot. Now, this whole idea of grace. I'm going to bring in one of my favorite guys of all time. He's going to be here on our show on Wednesday. I'm just here to tell you it's going to be awesome.

Chris Grainger:

When we think about this, from this verse and this context, the cry that Apostle Paul, right here, that we're reading in the book of Romans, is a powerful declaration of human desperation. That's it. He just says what a wretched man I am. Exclamation point right. He's acknowledging his deep sense of inadequacy and failure that he has as a man. This is a moment of awakening, guys. It really is.

Chris Grainger:

It's a realization that we compare ourselves not to other people, because that's where we get it wrong. But we compare ourselves to, not to other people, because that's where we get it wrong. But we compare ourselves to a holy and righteous God. We all fall short. Are you kidding me? And that comparison trap that we all too often fall into, where we start measuring ourselves against others and finding it's so easy to find comfort when we're a little bit better or we got things a little bit tighter than this other group. It makes us feel good, right? I'm telling you this comparison is fundamentally flawed. It absolutely is. It distracts us from the truth of that true standard of what holiness should be and righteousness which is God. And when you start comparing yourself to that, guess what boys, all of us fall short. There's nothing. We just see utter righteousness. When compared to that, we cannot live up to His perfect standard, which is why we have such a desperate need for grace. And when you start thinking about Romans 24, okay, it gives us a really radical realization. We need someone to do something for us that we can't do for ourselves. Let me say that again we need someone to do it for us, what we can't do for ourselves. When guys hear that, they don't like it, because really we need a savior, not a coach Think about what a coach does.

Chris Grainger:

A coach helps you improve right, makes you better, strengthens your skills, or they're really good at motivating you. Coaches are really good at that to push yourself to the limits. I had lots of coaches growing up with baseball. My dad was one of my coaches, but lots of other coaches as well. They always had your best interest in mind, but they're not supposed to make it easy, but they're trying to help you get to where you're trying to go. This is what a coach does.

Chris Grainger:

But a coach can only work what's already there. They can't change the fundamental nature of who we are at our core. They can't take the sin out, but, in contrast, the Savior steps in. He does for us what we could never accomplish on our own. He doesn't just make us better, he makes us new and we start thinking about our relationship with God.

Chris Grainger:

It's easy to think that we just need a little bit more guidance or a little bit more discipline, or we just need some more tools in our tool belt so we can have a better life. But the reality is far more serious. We're not just flawed, needing improvement, we're spiritually dead, it says in the book of Ephesians, and we're spiritually dead without Christ. So it's not like an athlete that needs a coaching, more coaching, or train harder, uh-uh-uh. It is more like a person that's drowning in the ocean, unable to swim. We need a lifeguard, not a swim instructor.

Chris Grainger:

At that moment you get it, you picking up what I'm putting down here. The law, the good works, our best efforts are like trying to swim harder in that stormy sea. What we need is for Jesus to reach down and pull us out of the waters that's going to take us out if we try to do it without him. And here's where you get grace, god's grace. Grace, rather, is God's answer to our cry of desperation, because Paul's asking who's going to save me? Who's going to save me? Who's going to save me? And then you see, in Romans 7.25, thanks be to God who delivers me through Jesus Christ, our Lord. That's it. That's it. Grace steps in when your strength fails. It's not earned, it's not deserved, it's freely given. The law exposes your sins, so you can see that it's there. Grace shows you your Savior.

Chris Grainger:

Grace acknowledges that we're wretched for sure, not in comparison to others, but in comparison to the holiness of God. But instead of leaving us in our wretchedness, what he could do, that grace redeems, it restores, it, renews. You see how that works. And when you start recognizing and understanding the grace of God, it frees you from the trap of comparison, because at that point the standard is no longer me versus other people, uh-uh, the standard is me compared to Christ.

Chris Grainger:

And when we start thinking about that, every single one of us, no matter how doggone good you think you are, you fall short, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It says that in Romans 3.23. We know that, so this should humble us to our knees, not in despair but in gratitude, because we have that Savior who steps in for us and who does for us what we can never do for ourselves, who rescues us from that snare of death. And that living in grace, guys, it really means that we recognize our salvation is not about trying harder or being better, because you can't get there. If you just think you're going to be good enough or things that you can do to get there, you're going to always come up empty-handed. It's about surrendering Truly surrendering to the one who has already done all the work for you, leaning on Jesus, who took your sin upon himself, who took your punishment. He bore the punishment himself and he conquered death so that we can live. So you don't need some spiritual coach to help you be a better version of yourself. That's what some of these pastors out here they're doing these things. No, you need to recognize. You need a savior who makes you a new creation. He didn't come to improve you, he came to save you.

Chris Grainger:

The law points out to our failures, for sure, but grace points us to the cross, and grace meets us where we are. That's the crazy part about it. And all your wretchedness and your depravity, and all the brokenness and your inability to measure it up and your combination you're not fit for use. That's where grace confines us the best. It lifts you up where you could never go on your own. It saves you from that body of death that we all going to experience. It gives you a new life. It's not based on your efforts, because it's based on a finished work of Christ.

Chris Grainger:

So stop comparing yourself to others, start comparing yourself to Christ and then, when you do, you immediately recognize your need for a Savior and at that point you better embrace the grace that he offers and rest in the truth. That we can never do on your own. Jesus has already done it. So that grace is the answer to your righteousness. Grace is your answer to comparison. Grace is the gift that saves. Just thank God, through Jesus Christ.

Chris Grainger:

So I'm just here to tell you guys. I just need to know do you see Jesus when you think about him as a coach or a savior? Now, how you answer that question matters so much, because he can't just be a coach, he has to be your Now? How you answer that question matters so much, because he can't just be a coach. He has to be your Savior, your sovereign Lord, and that's going to change fundamentally how you approach and how you think about everything when you recognize he is your Savior. Now, if you've never surrendered your life to the Lordship of Christ, you need to understand that you are made in the image of God. You are Right, and what you think is a flawed, jacked-up version, when you look in the mirror, christ sees it perfect.

Chris Grainger:

But sin did enter the world, right, we don't have a struggle issue, we have a sin issue. Sin entered Separates us from God. So we have this separation now, at this point, and that's tough. It's tough to think that we're separated from God, but we are, and I care enough about you to tell you the truth. So Oprah's wrong. There's not more one way to heaven, there's only one way. The most offensive thing Jesus says is I'm the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. How offensive is that, jesus? What do you mean? You're the only way. I love you enough to tell you the truth. This is what Jesus lays out for us. So recognize that we're sinners in need of a Savior. So, okay, we can't cover this sin debt that we have on our. You need somebody to step in and do for you what you can't do for yourself.

Chris Grainger:

This is where Jesus entered on the rescue mission for us, directly from heaven, born of a virgin, performed all the prophecies, did all the miracles, all the teachings, all the things to prove to us, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was the Messiah. Then he went to the cross where he was crucified. He paid the penalty for our sin, to the point they killed him. All his blood ran for the sin of the world. He paid the atonement, the propitiation, the payment that satisfies. This is what Jesus did for us. The veil was ripped from the top to the bottom. No longer do we have to go through a mediator. We can go straight straight to a relationship with God through what Christ did on the cross.

Chris Grainger:

They laid him in a tomb. He laid there for three days. Then he rose, because that's who we worship a risen Savior, not some dead guy in a tomb, no, a risen Savior. And he sits right here in the Father. No one comes to the Father except through him. He is the way, the truth and the life. That's it, guys.

Chris Grainger:

So don't let anyone fool you with your thinking. And when someone asks you what the gospel is, that's the gospel. You need to understand that. It's the good news for salvation for all who believe and put their faith in Christ as their Lord and Savior. He is it.

Chris Grainger:

So, now that you know this, you've got to admit that. First of all, you have a need. I'm a sinner in need of a Savior. I admit that and I believe fully, with all my heart, that Jesus, you are the Son of God. You're it, no one else. And, lord, I want to confess you as the Lord of my life. I know I've been trying to do things wrong and I'm so sorry. Lord, I'm turning from that. I'm repenting to turn from and I'm turning to you and I'm confessing you as Lord of everything my finances, my career, my family, my marriage, my children, everything, everything. I want to do it your way, and then the peace that passes all understanding is just going to flood your mind, your heart, your soul, your spirit. It's going to just come all over you. You have the Holy Spirit within. The scales are going to fall off. You'll see the world in a whole new light. You'll begin your walk with Him, but it starts with one step of obedience, and that's confessing Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Chris Grainger:

If you're listening to the Lion Within Us and you've made it this far, how far are we in this? About 13, 14 minutes into this podcast, and you're ready to confess Christ as your Lord and Savior? Today's the day. Don't put off for tomorrow what God is calling you to do right now, and I want to pray with you. So, lord, just for that one listener. They're feeling the feels, lord. They know something's happening. They know they need to make a decision. I pray you, give them courage to take the step of obedience, to confess you as Lord and Savior, knowing that the peace that passes all understanding only comes when we surrender our life to you, confess you as Lord, pick up our cross and follow you. So I pray you, give them encouragement, give them wisdom, give them discernment, let them make the most important decision today that you have led them to right now. We love you and we praise you. We're so thankful for our Savior, jesus Christ. Through his name, we pray Amen.

Chris Grainger:

So, if you just accepted Christ, I want to hear from you. Send me an email, chris at thelionwithinus, I want to send you some free resources, some scripture verses, our Bible study. I just want to get you hooked up with some things to kind of get you equipped, to get you ready for the battle that you're in. I also want to see if you're in a gospel preaching, bible believing church. I want to help you find one. If you're not in one, okay. So we have resources all over the country If you just let me know where you're located and we'll do all we can at least to give you some church options to consider, okay, so again, chris at thelionwithinus, I also just like to get on a call and just give a versatile high five and a fist bump and pray with you and just welcome you to the brotherhood, all right, so thank you guys so much.

Chris Grainger:

Look, thelionwithinus is where you find all our resources. Everything we got going on is over there Now. We've built a lot of resources for you guys so far as growing as individuals, this is when our Lion Within is community. We have all the stuff going on discipleship, mastermind groups, we have our Lion Lunches, we have our Bible studies, our couples nights. Guys, we got lots of fun ways that you can lean in and truly grow. But you got to lean in. So go to thelandwithinus, start your 30-day free community experience. Or maybe you just want to start the daily SKO? That's fine as well, okay. So we have lots of those resources going, guys, and we have lots of things in the works right now to help you start growing your business and doing things from a business standpoint, bringing biblical kingdom mindset principles to make better decisions. I'm telling you, guys, thelinewithinus is where all those resources are.

Chris Grainger:

If you'd like to show anyone to be a monthly supporter or donor of the show, that'd be phenomenal. You can donate right there on the homepage thelinewithinus slash donate. You'll find all our resources and even our devotions on YouVersion. We have over 30 devotions on YouVersion. I'm constantly writing and thinking and trying to put information out that helps and serves and helps people grow. Head over to lionwithinus and you'll see that YouVersion devotional link there on the page. All right, so, guys, get after it.

Chris Grainger:

Look straight up Wednesday's episode. Out of all the episodes that are lying within us that we've had, you can't miss Wednesday. Okay, it's just going to be. It's hard hitting, it's a little rough, but it's needed. It's needed.

Chris Grainger:

The guest is one of my favorite guests of all time, probably be favorite Be 100% transparent. We unpack some hard stuff. I'm unapologetic for the way we went about it. Either we're heading in on the nose because some of this stuff just has to be hit directly. So I pray that you like it. I pray it stirs something inside of you and when you hear it you make a cognitive decision to do something to move forward. So I'm excited for you to hear it, guys. So thank you so much for listening, for all the support, all the love. Share this stuff out with others.

Chris Grainger:

At the end of the day, boys keep unleashing the lion within house cats. Go ahead and skip this message. This is for the lions, because we know that the evil one is coming at you daily, trying to steal, kill and destroy everything in your life. We recognize that you try to face each day with strength, determination and purpose, but even the strongest need a brotherhood behind them. At the Lion Within Us, we created an online Christians-men community where we can grow, connect and strengthen your walk with God. It's more than just a community. It truly is a brotherhood. Be warned this is not for the faint-hearted. This is where you push your limits, growing stronger in your faith and rising above the ordinary. Here we challenge you to become the leader God intends you to be. The time to act is now and your 30-day free trial is waiting. No excuses, no delays. It's time to step up and join the community. Head over to thelionwithinus, that's, thelionwithinus to get started today.

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