The Lion Within Us - Leadership for Christian Men 

417. I'm Just A Guy

August 28, 2024 Chris Grainger

What if the key to overcoming self-doubt lies in the stories of ancient leaders? Today, we uncover the struggles of Moses and Gideon, who questioned their worthiness and abilities, just as many of us do. By reflecting on their narratives and how God prioritized their obedience over their qualifications, we shed light on the modern-day insecurities amplified by social media. We emphasize that God has placed us in our current roles for a divine purpose, urging listeners to embrace humility and obedience in their service to His kingdom.

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Chris Grainger:

Welcome to the Lion Within Us, a podcast serving Christian men who are hungry to be the leaders God intends you to be. I'm your host, chris Granger. Let's jump in. All right, guys, it's your meat episode. I'm excited to be here with you. Let's get right into it.

Chris Grainger:

The scripture of the week this week was actually in the book of Exodus, chapter 3, verse 11. It says but Moses said to God who am I? That I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt? Now, guys, I unpacked that. Who am I? Question on our SKO. So go back and listen to that spiritual kickoff episode.

Chris Grainger:

I went in depth on that one spent quite a bit of time unpacking that verse and a couple other verses, because, at the end of the day, what I really want to focus on here with this episode this week is the whole idea that you know what. I'm just a guy. I'm just a guy. I want to ask a question. I want you to think about this. You ever thought about what real difference you can make? Like Lord, I'm just one person. I see so many more people that are more qualified, more accomplished, more respected, more smarter, eloquent, stronger, whatever it is. The list goes on and on and on. Then if that's the case, lord, why should I think that you want to use me for anything of significance whatsoever? I'm just being real. This is me, guys. This is where I'm just being real. This is me, guys. This is where I'm at a lot. This is why I started lying with Dennis, because when you start wrestling with questions like this over and over and over, it can wear on you. So what? I try to do stuff like this, so let's not worry about what Chris thinks.

Chris Grainger:

What does the Bible say? What does the Bible show me? What about the types of men that God used to advance this kingdom? That I could go directly to God's word and see and I said you know what, it's probably worth exploring that I got a couple more guys we're going to look at today, straight from God's Word. It's going to give you some insight. My pray on how God is a whole lot more concerned about your obedience than he is any of your qualifications. And if you start thinking that you're more qualified, you got all this stuff to bring the Lord. You're ready.

Chris Grainger:

So I'm telling you, a humble mindset is good, but these all make me reflect and think and ponder. You know what I'm the man that I am because God's put me here right at this moment in time for a reason, and I'm no more, no less than anybody else in history. But I am going to be obedient and this is what we're going to see. So we've already unpacked Moses. So if you haven't listened to the spiritual kickoff, you kind of need to go back, because I'm not going to unpack Moses again. Go back and listen to that one If you want to get some more insight about Moses and the whole idea of where he was. Just really saying who am I, lord? Go check out the spiritual kickoff. I want to unpack that one. So what I want to go to next, outside of Moses, let's go to this question here that so many guys struggle with I'm a nobody, I'm a nobody, I'm a nobody. Are you kidding me? And I want you to think about this.

Chris Grainger:

One person we're going to look at today for this part, it's Gideon, because in Judges 6.15, we're going to look at a couple scriptures, guys. So just kind of hang on, hang with me here. 6.15, gideon says pardon me, my Lord, but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh and I'm the least in my family. And then in verse 27, same chapter, chapter 6 of Judges, he says so. Gideon took his ten servants and then the Lord told him, but because he was afraid of his family and the townspeople, he did it at night rather than the daytime.

Chris Grainger:

Hmm, then you get to probably what's the most known out of Gideon. We're going to start in chapter six, for sure, verses 36 to 40. Gideon's again talking to God, says if you'll save Israel by my hand, sorry, as you promised. Look, I'll place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. There's dew on the fleece and all the ground is dry. And I want to know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said. And then that's what happened. So Gideon wrote Hebrews up the next morning he squeezed the fleece and wrung out a dew, a bowl full of water. Then Gideon, the very next day do not be angry with me, let me make you one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece, but this time make the fleece dry and let the ground be covered with dew. And on that night God did so. The fleece was dry and all the ground was covered with dew.

Chris Grainger:

And right here I want you to think about something as we unpack these scriptures. Think about the world of social media that we have today. Okay, it can be very easy with social media to feel like you don't matter because what you're doing is you're comparing yourself to the rest of the world. And what we need to remember when we look at social media. So please, please, please, particularly if you have daughters, remind them of this. When you look at social media, you're looking at a highlight reel. A highlight reel it's like watching SportsCenter. You're not going to watch the whole game, you just want to see the big plays. And this is what social media is A highlight reel of people's lives. You're never going to see the raw, real, behind-the-scenes footage. You're just the raw, real, behind-the-scenes footage. He's just not.

Chris Grainger:

And I'm going to tell you what when I started in line with Dennis and I started looking around and seeing how others were doing ministry and started researching the impact they were making, I would go visit these webpages or these podcasts and kind of get a feel for their impact. And I'm going to tell you the feeling I got right out the gate, defeated To the point where this almost didn't even happen Because it'd be instantaneous for me, where I would examine another ministry or somebody else's program, and I'd start thinking there's no way. There's no way I can help anybody, because, at the end of the day, I'm a nobody. Are you kidding me, god? What you want me to do, what I'm going to tell you what? That's just real.

Chris Grainger:

And I was reminded of someone who felt the same way in the Bible, and that's why I wanted to bring up Gideon, because think about what he responded. I mean, gideon was called for an important duty, for sure, and his first response was to remind God of what. What did he say? How can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest, I'm the least in my family. So he was right here at the gate of Israel. My clan is the weakest, I'm the least in my family. So he was right here at the gate, called by God, in his first response God, I'm nobody, man, I'm nobody.

Chris Grainger:

You talk about eye-opening moment. That was a big one for me, because it's kind of like telling a butcher how to cut meat. I think they already know. You start telling God what God needs to know. Think about that Makes no sense. Uh-uh, god knows this already. Absolutely incredible to start thinking about.

Chris Grainger:

And yet Gideon did what we all do, if we're honest, he started playing the victim of the circumstances right, and he was trying to let those things in his past define him. And then we see how he moves past that victim mentality. Okay, when he finally got past that, he embraced what God was calling him to do and then some pretty cool things started happening, not on his own accord, but because of his willingness to take those steps of obedience. Really, what I started seeing with Gideon is that when we get into this victimhood mentality, it doesn't serve us well. It doesn't serve us well Because it starts, it keeps us stuck into who we are right now, versus seeing what God's calling us to do. Because we see that Gideon was playing that victim. Then he started embracing what God's called him to do and that's when things started shifting Okay, not on his own accord, but because he was willing to be obedient and, as I studied it more and more and more started thinking about it.

Chris Grainger:

Here's something that's worth considering the identity you tell yourself is the one you believe. So the identity that you tell yourself is the one that you believe. Gideon was both things A person that was capable of getting into his own perspective of circumstances and, at the same time, a person capable of serving, moving beyond himself and being successful in implementing God's plan. And this is where you have these two at odds with each other. Because in modern day life we're often left. We often let rather comparison steal our joy and we distrust or don't take those steps of obedience out on faith, to serve God, to live our lives the way that God's called us to do.

Chris Grainger:

We get stuck in that victimhood. I can't do this mentality. But if you have thoughts right now that you're a nobody, I really hope that you recognize that those thoughts are from the pits of hell. That is exactly what the evil one wants you to think about and I just implore you to send those things back to the gates of hell, where they belong. Okay, release the power of the Holy Spirit. You need to remember that you are exactly who God wants you to be. No flaws, no mistakes, just fearfully and wonderfully made. So we can hold our head high, not to be arrogant or boastful, but no, because he is with us and we can do what he is calling us to do today. So again, if you start thinking that you're nobody, squash that, squash that junk. I don't want to hear it. No, you're exactly who God's called you to be. We're going to take our first break, guys. We'll be right back.

Chris Grainger:

If you're a man who's looking for greater spiritual guidance into how to become a better leader, finding resources that you can trust and then implement can be daunting For me personally. I thought it was a lost cause and I decided to take the action, knowing that I wasn't alone. It was because of this wide gap that we created our line within this community, and the areas that we're helping Christian men grow are incredible. For instance, we built ways for guys to lean in and grow through fun events like our daily spiritual kickoff, where you get that much needed boost directly from God's word. Our Bible studies that always focus on how to discern and apply what we learn, and even our amazing form, where you can speak your mind without fear of getting shut down or judged by the extreme rules of modern day social media. On top of all that, we know that many men won't help overcoming issues and becoming stronger in many different areas. That's why we created several mastermind groups, where the iron truly sharpens the iron. Our community is about having a growth mindset, accountability, intentionality and transparency. In other words, just leave fake you at home and come to community just as you are. I fully believe what we've built. I see the impact it's making on men right now and I would love to have you check it out. So start your very own 30-day free trial today to see how we can help you be a better leader. So if you're ready to take that first step, head over to thelinewithinus and get started. Your journey begins here. Visit thelinewithinus and I'll see you inside with Den. Alright guys, welcome back.

Chris Grainger:

So again, I'm just a guy man who am I. I'm just a nobody. How about this one? I'm inadequate. I'm inadequate. I'm inadequate when I start thinking about this scripture or this being inadequate. I went to Jeremiah. Jeremiah actually says in the very sixth verse of the first chapter he says I don't know how to speak, I am too young, and you start hearing that. And right here I was thinking.

Chris Grainger:

A common lie that I found myself believing for a long, long time was that I was unable to help others, just like Jeremiah right here. In my eyes, really, the only people that could really help other people and make an impact were what the experts and I had a fear it was kind of an underlying fear too of speaking into given situations based on my own self-identification, and when that happened I felt inadequate. I felt like I can't help. There's just no way I can help. Then I got to think about that thing what truly is an expert? And an expert, at the end of the day, is just somebody who studies for sure a certain topic and able to serve others through that expertise, and someone who has not spent a lot of time studying but wants to serve acts, not on their expertise, because they don't have the expertise to fall onto, but they act on their faith. And they act on their faith. That effort is going to bring them to a position to help others. They act on their faith. That effort's going to bring you into a position to help others.

Chris Grainger:

And on my laptop I've had this for years, a screensaver. It says God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the call. And I'll be honest, when I read this sixth verse of Jeremiah, I was surprised, because you think of Jeremiah being that great prophet, right, I mean, this is Jeremiah who we're talking about here, major prophet. He stood firm against the face of adversity. But go back to the beginning.

Chris Grainger:

It all began with his feeling like he was unfit to do what God was calling him to do. He was unfit to do what God was calling him to do. He saw his identity coupled directly to his life experiences and his particular situation his age and thinking about this a little bit deeper, it makes sense to Jeremiah and for us too. As far as that goes, we use these two factors, don't we? All the time Our life experiences and our age. These are a litmus test, and here's reality. These are two items that we know to be true.

Chris Grainger:

However, what we can discern from Scripture is that when God is doing the calling he's calling us, then our abilities are overshadowed by our willingness to take that step of obedience. And that willingness to take the step of obedience is essentially an act of faith. That's all it is. So faith all of a sudden becomes the precursor of all human action of consequence, because it seems, if we start thinking about this, that the structure of the world is if we bring faith to God, then God will bring qualification and wisdom to us. And I can tell you what.

Chris Grainger:

When I started this ministry, the future was uncertain. I'm adjusting stuff daily on what God's telling me, what he's revealing, and those thoughts of being not good enough or being inadequate. I'm going to tell you what that's real. It surfaces over and over again, but that reminder that the Spirit just gives me, that he is qualifying me as I go, that fuels me. That fuels me a lot to just embrace it, embrace the unknown, and lean in, follow Him, no matter what the cost. So I'm really trying just to speak some encouragement to you, because if you're thinking that you're inadequate, it's just not good enough. You know, I start thinking about the word, you know, condemnation, and go to Romans 8. Therefore, now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Condemned is not fit for use. If you think you're inadequate and you're not fit for use, I'm going to tell you right now that is the evil one and he is winning. He's winning that argument. You've got to stop it. You've got to quench it. You've got to cast it back to the gates of hell, where it belongs. You need to release the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome this. That's not from our Lord. Just remember that. All right, you guys want to take a quick break? Come back, we'll keep digging. Guys, we'll take a quick break, come back, we'll keep digging.

Chris Grainger:

I find it helps me to have a guide at times when I'm reading and studying the Bible. One way that helps me is by using devotionals to guide not only what I read, but insights into the scriptures themselves. So we were blessed to become an author on the YouVersion Bible app and we saw an immediate opportunity to help others with devotionals around the areas that we spend the most time talking about at the Lion Within Us. So if you enjoy the show, you may enjoy these devos as well. We have some guys that are using them as part of their small groups as well, as they're a great way to get conversations going. So to see the ones that we've created, head over to the lionwithinus slash you version, and that's Y-O-U-V-E-R-S-I-O-N. To learn more. So that's the lionwithinus slash you version. To get started with your own men's devotional today YouVersion, to get started with your own men's devotional today.

Chris Grainger:

All right, guys, we're working through this idea of I'm just a guy. Now, how about this one? I'm just a terrible person. I'm just a terrible person, man. Like come on, bro, it ain't no good. What about Isaiah? What did Isaiah say In chapter 6, verse? Verse 5, isaiah says woe to me. I am ruined for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among the people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the king, the Lord Almighty. You can feel that right. Woe to me, for I am ruined. I am a man of unclean lips. How about this one? If you only know what I did in the past, man, if you only knew what I did in the past, you would never talk to me. If you know the stuff I've done I hear it all the time.

Chris Grainger:

You probably said that before, particularly when you start thinking about God. I can't forgive you. Well, I don't love you, and the negative self-talk, that's something that's just. I have a PhD in that and sometimes, man, I go through seasons of life where the glass is half full, and a lot of times I go through life where it's half empty and it's all. And not only is it half empty, it's half full of vinegar. I'm just being real. I start thinking about the mistakes I made. I start thinking about the sins I've committed. I start thinking about the people I've hurt and I come to the conclusion that I suck. I'm a terrible man. There ain't no way God can use me. And if I was just to stay in that state of thinking, man, an evil one, would have a field day, and at that point he'd have one less adversary to deal with, because I'd be ineffective.

Chris Grainger:

Then you come to scriptures like this, where Isaiah's laying this out Isaiah, are you kidding me? It comforts me when I read this Because even all the amazing prophecies that he proclaimed at the beginning, at the very beginning of his journey here, he saw himself as a wreck. A wreck, isaiah. Isaiah, if I were the evil one, I'm telling you a tool that I would use to keep people from doing what God's called them to do is to make them feel like they are unworthy of responding to that call. So if I want to just deflate you, I just want to make you feel like you can't be used, and if I can do that effectively, touchdown.

Chris Grainger:

This is real, this is what's happening, and we start thinking about this. Let's flip that thinking on its head. Let's just think about the gospel, right? Because in reality, all these negative thoughts and ideologies I mean they began after the fall, it wasn't before. Because start thinking about here for a second there's a link between the negative thoughts and the forbidden fruit, because those negative thoughts are really a continuation of that massive ripple between man's divine design, the way that God set it up and our own selfish desires and wallowing, and when God is working through us as a man. God is really working through these imperfect vessels that are trying to be more perfect.

Chris Grainger:

So if you're having the thoughts that you're a terrible person, I encourage you to just go back to the gospel and remember what Jesus did for you on the cross and how, at the core of it, we all fall short of glory to God. So, in reality, if you want the the core of it, we all fall short of the glory of God, right? So, in reality, if you want the theologically correct answer, am I a terrible person? Yes, we all are. Yet, by the grace of God, we have been redeemed through the saving power of Jesus' blood. And then that changes everything, everything, and this is reality.

Chris Grainger:

You have to remind yourself with daily. You are not your own by choosing to walk with him. That is your new identity. Now, that changes the mindset. That's a difficult mindset to navigate to Right. It takes practice over and over and over. You have no choice. You have to accept and try to move on, based on whatever the flaws are that you perceive, but you need to start by recognizing that, yes, you are in center. You are, you just are center. That's it. And what we need, more than confidence, money or assurance, is one word. You need a savior Right. And when you recognize that need, maybe you start flipping this thing to that powerful truth that Jesus fulfilled everything for us and the new identity is waiting for us the moment that we choose to pick up our cross and follow him. So I'm telling you, if you this idea of I'm a terrible person, no, that's a lie too. Don't believe it, dude. Don't believe it. Whatever you got to tell yourself, whoever you need to talk to, don't believe it. We're going to take our last break, fellas. We will come back and I to share a little story here. I think it's going to resonate and hopefully it's going to encourage you. We'll be right back.

Chris Grainger:

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Chris Grainger:

All right, guys, this is we're knee deep into it. We're talking about I'm just a guy and you know I ain't no good. I'm a nobody, I'm inadequate. How about this one? I can't do this, I can't do this. And then we start thinking about this mindset.

Chris Grainger:

I went to Peter. Think about when Peter first met Jesus. This is Luke 5.8. Basically it says Jesus. He fell at Jesus' knees and said Go away from me, lord. I am a sinful man. And we also see Matthew 14.30. He's walking on the water, peter is. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, he cried out Lord, save me. His eyes shifted. They shifted, didn't they? And then remember the story in Matthew 29, where he was with Jesus. Jesus gets arrested and basically, he denies Christ three times after telling Jesus you know, I'm never going to leave you, what is Peter and I doing? Denies him three times, and then the rooster crows and he remembers like oh crap, that's right, I did say that, didn't I? And then he started weeping bitterly. So I'm telling you this whole idea that you can't do this. It's not the first time this has ever happened.

Chris Grainger:

One thing that is valuable for us to know, though, guys, as Christian leaders, I'm just here to tell you we need to know our limits. When you go to the gym, you need to know what weights you can say if you move around. Let's just be real. You don't want to be that dude with the bar sitting on your chest who can't get it off. Or, if you go for a run, you need to know how far you're going in one direction to get back. So you know, just wear yourself out. Funny for me, first time.

Chris Grainger:

So I've ran one marathon in my life and I've run a half marathon. I enjoy running, but it's usually not long distance, it's just because of the time thing. It takes forever to train for those things. But for the marathon that I ran, I was on this running program and it gets to the point where you have to run longer runs to prepare and the run I had in front of me was a 20 mile run. It was a 20 mile run, okay, it was a 20 mile run, and I was doing it on this trail, because I always run outside, I can't run inside. So I had this trail and my goal, what I was going to do, was run five miles one direction, turn around, run back, hydrate, turn around, run another five and come back. So I would never be the max I would possibly ever be away from my vehicle was five miles.

Chris Grainger:

So I took off running and the running was. It felt good that day, man. It just felt good. Just, you know, wasn't really tired. The first three miles just flew by, I mean clicking along. At least it flew by for me. I'm not one of these six or seven minute mile guys, but it was going pretty good and I remember when I got to mile five I felt so doggone good. I said you know what, chris, let's just keep going. So I ran, I didn't turn around Five miles away from my vehicle at this moment, I ran another five. My thought was you know what, just go halfway, that way it's all back downhill from there. Bud Just got to go turn around and run it back.

Chris Grainger:

When I made the turn for the 10-mile mark, it felt great actually, but I don't know if it was something mentally or physically. But when I made that turn, it was like I hit the wall and all of a sudden I had this stark reality slam against me. Hey, your vehicle is 10 miles away. I didn't have water, I was out of water. Okay, my phone was pretty much dying because I'd been running for a while at that point.

Chris Grainger:

And the moment in my, all of a sudden, it was almost like I was running with a headwind and I didn't know what I was going to do. I don't know what I was going to do. I ended up having to just break it down mentally to one mile at a time and and uh, I remember very, very distinctly thinking I can't do this. There's no way I can run a marathon. I can't, I can't do this. I was only supposed to run 20 miles that day. Well, I'll tell you what uh getting once I got back to the car. Lots of walking for that last 10 miles. It took forever.

Chris Grainger:

But I learned something I learned my limits. But I also learned that those limits need to be pushed. They do and I pushed it too far that day, but they need to be pushed and we need to push our limits regularly, because you're never going to grow as an individual If you just do the same things over and over and over. It's the pushing, it's the failing, it's the learning, it's the adjusting, that's when you start growing, that's when you start moving the needle, knowing that to be true. And we do recognize that to be true, guys.

Chris Grainger:

There are times where the stark reality hits us in the face that we can't do something. And we see this with Peter. He recognized that he was a sinful man. He did that hits home. Just that confession that Lord away from me. I was a sinful man. He did that hits home. Just that confession that Lord away from me. I'm a sinful man.

Chris Grainger:

And we see right here, peter at least was willing to be open and transparent. He wasn't trying to be fake man. He wasn't trying to pull wool over anybody's eyes. No, he wasn't trying to be fake man. He wasn't trying to pull wool over anybody's eyes. No, we see, right here with Peter, he was given the opportunity, in the second scripture we looked at, to do the impossible Walk on water. I mean, let's just be real. And it was going great until it wasn't going great. I mean it really was going awesome. And then it wasn't awesome, it was the awesome left the room, and while he was locked in on Christ, he was able to do more than he ever could have imagined.

Chris Grainger:

But just like the rest of us, I don't even blame Peter he gets distracted by what? By the world around him, and his focus began to waver. It's just comforting to me, though, when I start thinking about it, that even Peter shoulder to shoulder, face to face, eyeball to eyeball with Jesus, for three years, he had moments where he couldn't achieve what he thought he could. And let's just face it, think about how many times he saw Jesus heal people this is Peter for crying out loud. He saw him do it all, perform the miracles. He even saw the transfiguration.

Chris Grainger:

Yet he still had his moments of fear, doubt and insecurity, and this scripture is just showing us extremely clearly that whatever we think we can't do, extremely clearly that whatever we think we can't do. That represents the limitations we're not focusing on what God's calling us to do. Because when we focus on serving God and doing what God's calling us to do, it's going to change things. For us guys it just will. And the scriptures show us, when we're focused on him, our limits that we have in our brain are going to be pushed well beyond our current understanding If we let God work through us, not us do the work for ourselves. Right, that we are not limiting. We're not limited limited, rather, by our own understanding. We are tools of god's understanding.

Chris Grainger:

Fellas, and what's a powerful moment? That? When you realize that, although you're just a dude, I'm just a guy that we see firsthand account that it was just a guy that God often uses to accomplish Incredible task. Embrace it, lean into it. Right, I'm just a guy. Deal with the insecurities, own them. Let him define you and squash the lies of the evil one. When you do that, you squash those lies with God's word, not Chris's word. What I say? What God's word? You're right. At the end of the day, we call this one. I'm just a guy At the end of the day, yeah, you're right, I'm just a guy.

Chris Grainger:

Now get your butt up and go do what he's called you to do. That's your charge, that's your call, no excuses. Again, we're looking for lions, not house cats. There's plenty of house cats out there. Let's just be real. We don't got time for them. It's the lions.

Chris Grainger:

And the question I want to leave you with is how do you respond to God's call, despite all the doubts that are out there? And that's my prayer, and that's my prayer that you take that step of obedience, that you recognize the importance to respond, that you don't listen to the lies of the evil one and you let Christ define you, him and only Him. So, guys, that's what I've got for you today Just to do. Now, lean into it, embrace it and go do what he's called you to do. I want to encourage you also to head over to thelinewithinus, because here's what we got fellas. We have our community and so far as I'm just a guy, I need help, I need encouragement. I got all these things going on.

Chris Grainger:

We recognize that. We also recognize that churches usually get this wrong. Okay, going on. We recognize that. We also recognize that churches usually get this wrong they don't know how to deal with men. You've got great children's programs and youth programs and even stuff for older, for women. They've got great stuff for senior adults and all that stuff.

Chris Grainger:

When it comes to men's discipleship, we think it's a biscuit on a Saturday morning and it just blows up the mind. That's not what it is. While biscuits on Saturday morning is okay, there's such a bigger opportunity and just genuine connection and fellowship. This is why we built the Lion Within us. So head over to thelionwithinus and see what we're all about. Join our community, come to our events. Most of our events are virtual, so just pop on a Zoom with us, come, hang out. Let us show you a path to being a strong disciple. You got to make a decision, though Are you going to choose to take steps of obedience or not, and that is my prayer. So, guys, come back on Friday. We'll have a fun Friday episode Prayer for the good little woman that you guys want to enjoy, if you like this episode.

Chris Grainger:

What this is we're actually taking our devotionals, and usually about once a month, I try to pull a devotion out that I really felt inspired by and just want to share it with you. That's what this is. This is actually devotional. It's a five-day devote on the University Bible Lab. So this is something you can work through with uh friends, with your small group, with your best buddy. So the line within that us. You'll find our resources there for our new version page Go, get started on this one today, all right, guys.

Chris Grainger:

So get after it. Look, lying within that us is how you connect with this. Rating and reviews help for sure. Donations help If you want to be a monthly donor, supporter of a show. That'd be incredible, and I just really genuinely just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for listening, thank you for putting up with me and all the stuttering and stammering. And look, at the end of the day, I'm just a guy too. I'm just a guy too. I'm just a guy trying to take that step of obedience to encourage you to do what God's called you to do. All right, we'll see you back here on Friday. Guys, get after it and you know what's coming. Keep unleashing the lion within.

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