The Lion Within Us - Leadership for Christian Men 

409. A Community of Faithful and Intentional Leaders - Fun Friday

August 09, 2024 Chris Grainger

Ever wondered what it takes to truly lead as a Christian man in today's world? Tune in to our latest episode of the Lion Within Us, where we dive deep into Joshua 1:9, a powerful call for strength, courage, and unwavering faith in God's presence. Begin your journey with a revisitation of our spiritual kickoff episode, and gain profound insights on how to weave this scripture into the fabric of your daily life. This episode also features an inspiring conversation with Stu Grazier, who transitioned from a Navy pilot to a successful entrepreneur, sharing invaluable lessons on being an intentional father and husband.

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Chris Grainger:

Welcome to the Lion Within Us, a podcast serving Christian men who are hungry to be the leaders God intends you to be. I'm your host, chris Granger, let's jump in. All right, guys, it is your fun Friday episode, let's get right into it. So we're going to be in the book of Joshua this week. Okay, joshua, the first chapter, the ninth verse, says have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God, will be with you wherever you go. Love, love, love that verse, guys, I'm telling you this is one of those hang on the rim verses, man. Just go ahead and get it tattooed. And let's go Now, if you want to know a little bit more about how to apply this verse to your life, back up to podcasts.

Chris Grainger:

In your feed You'll see our spiritual kickoff episode. We unpack this verse at length. So give you some good insights there on how you can apply Joshua 1-9 to your daily wall. And then also, if you're going back in your feed, make sure you check on my buddy, stu Grazier, because he really unpacked everything for us on his amazing journey, things that God has called him to do, from a career in the Navy as a pilot, to flying 737s, to real estate investments, to just all the different things that he's done from a business standpoint to ultimately getting married, having kids, being an intentional father, mastermind groups, kinetic man. I'm telling you over and over and over, stu's just a fun dude to hang around. I'm just going to be real, he's just a fun guy to hang out with. I look forward to it. This is one I was excited to have on my calendar for a while. So, guys, go check out all the amazing stuff from Stu. Okay, so now for our Fun Friday listeners. You know what's coming. We're going to give you a couple of tips a health, wealth and a self tip. That's the three pillars that align within us. The health is how do be better stewards of our career and our finances, and the self is ultimately being the father and husband that God has called us to be. Okay. Now the health tip. Okay, what you think about this Grounding?

Chris Grainger:

I know it sounds super, super weird, but spend some time barefoot. Just take the shoes off, take the Crocs off, take the boots off, whatever it is, go barefoot on natural surfaces like grass or sand, and you can just connect. I'm telling you I love to do this at the beach for sure. I just kick them off and just feel it. But even around the farm, from time to time it's cool just to go barefooted on the grass. Now you got to be careful because there's ants everywhere, so I have to be super careful about that. But I noticed with my little boy, that dude and my 12-year-old. She don't ever want to wear shoes. She's always kicking them shoes off and I just think there's something beautiful about that just connecting with earth and with nature and just being. Talk about being where your feet are. That's a pretty cool one. So maybe you guys don't want to do that if it's snowing outside, but right here we're recording this. In the middle of summer, you have plenty of chances to kick those shoes off and just be in nature. All right, it's a great way to reduce some stress.

Chris Grainger:

Now the wealth tip. I talked a lot about this with Stu. Okay, side hustles. Think about this. Side hustles entrepreneurial type thinking, but consider a side hustle. It could be a simple way, something small that aligns with your passions, to what God's calling has called for you in your life, as well as some of the talents he's given you, and you never know how you can boost your income and financial security just by leaning into some of that stuff. So maybe you know how to play guitar. Start teaching people how to play guitar. Ok, coaching. Maybe you want to do some sports type of things to help people. Maybe you're really good in the gym and you want to start. You know what maybe from time to time I could, could offer to make to help someone make their their time in the gym more beneficial for them, whatever it may be, you know, there there's lots of ways in different paths. I don't know what that is.

Chris Grainger:

If you've never considered this before, what you should do is spend some time in prayer, go to the Lord and say Lord, I want to be used to talents, gifts and abilities that you have given me to help others, and obviously God knows. If you're putting that time in, there's going to be a monetary. There's something coming back. Right, you're investing that time. He's going to bless that. But see what he tells you. Just spend some time thinking. He's going to bless that, but see what he tells you. Just spend some time thinking. Then, when something comes up or an opportunity, be looking for those opportunities first and foremost. Lean into it, try it out and see how it may serve others. So if you don't have a side hustle going right now, I highly, highly, highly encourage you to think about that.

Chris Grainger:

I know for me the lion started as a side hustle. We're moving more and more and more to something that's more permanent, for sure. And then my wife does horse riding lessons. She's done piano lessons in the past. We all, with my girls, are always thinking through ideas and ways that they can can sell certain things to try to to earn some income. So it really is a great way to encourage that entrepreneurial type thinking and those around you. All right Now for yourself.

Chris Grainger:

Tip this week okay, consider this a date night swap. So be careful what I'm telling you here. Okay, arrange babysitting swaps with other families. Okay, to ensure that you can have some regular, affordable date nights, because it can be tough to afford babysitters every time you want to go out. However, maybe you want to work with another family in the neighborhood and for when they want to go out, the kids come over and hang out with your kids, right, and when you go out, they can go over and hang out with your kids. So you have to start like babysit hacking some of this stuff to save some income. So maybe you can put a little bit extra money towards the date itself instead of dropping 40, 50, 60 bucks on a babysitter. Just work it out with another family. So this is something you need to ease into. You don't want to just do this with families you don't know. Obviously, you get to know the families, but we're built for community. This is a great way to start.

Chris Grainger:

One strengthening your marriage. Two, strengthen another person's marriage. And three, save you some money along the way. So I highly encourage you to just think about this. Reach some money along the way. So I highly encourage you to just think about this. Reach out. Maybe you already have friends in place that you could do this with, but lean in, make it more of an intentional effort here. Okay, and don't be the one that's just abusing it either. Okay, if you're dropping your kids off so you can go out, you better make sure that you can do what you can to return the favor so that they can go out. All right, there you go. There are your three tips, guys Health, wealth and self. That health is grounding. Take them shoes off, kick the crocs to the side and walk barefooted outside that wealth tip. Consider a side hustle before you even start it, pray, ask God about it. And the self tip date night swap. Consider the date night night swap and make that happen all right now. Book of the week. Guys, this week this is smoke.

Chris Grainger:

Right here call I radical. God's radical business through an ordinary man, written by Buck Jacobs, with Canada, with Kenneth Overman I happen to know buck, he's, he's one of my mentors I get that privilege to meet with on a regular basis. This, this is his story, and his story is incredible, of how God moved in his life each and every way. Small steps, but everything in Buck's book that I've learned starts with steps of obedience, and he was willing to be obedient. No matter what God called him to do, he took the step. Didn't always have a clear path of what that was going to come, but he took the step and that's my encouragement to you. Whatever God's calling you to do right, step out of the fear and step into this Now. I know we don't want to save this question a week until the end, but right here, what fears are holding you back from taking action? I can tell you, buck had the fear, but he still chose to take action. And that was my encouragement to you Take action, don't just sit in that state of fear, move forward. So again, iradical, go get a copy of this book, guys. I'm telling you it's a relatively short book what? 160, almost 170 pages. So Buck founded the group C12, which some of you guys may have heard about, but his story is awesome. Absolutely love him to death. And, buck, if you're listening, thank you for what you do for me in my life, and I don't know where I'd be without you, buddy. You're just an amazing mentor.

Chris Grainger:

All right, so now dad jokes. Let's get right to our dad jokes. Dad joke number one what do you call a lazy kangaroo? I'm like, hmm, I'm not sure. Well, it's easy, it's a pouch potato. Take you a pouch potato, fellas. Number two why do melons have weddings? Because they cantaloupe, as you say. The faster you say them, the funner they are. So what do you call a lazy kangaroo? That's a pouch potato. And why do melons have weddings? Because they cantaloupe. So, guys, again, eye rolls, totally, totally, totally are what we're looking for here from our kids and our wife, and if you get a little chuckle, that's a win-win. So, again, if you have a dad joke that you want to send in support at thelinewithinus. That's the best email address to send that to. We'll check that and if we use it, we'll give you a shout out on the show as well. Let's try to hook you up with some free swag just for sharing some dad jokes with us.

Chris Grainger:

Okay, so, guys, this has been a great week just here at the Lion, just talking about you know, masterminds and groups and coming together with Christian men and fellow brothers in Christ. So highly encourage you. If you don't have that group, I'd encourage you to check out the line within us, what we're doing. Obviously, I believe in it. We put a lot of effort into it. We have a really great system of a good process to help you grow. And, guys, this is nothing like you're going to find in any uh, just other environments out there, because this is, this is our system, this is homegrown. It's not something we wouldn't bought. We prayed, we listened, we obeyed, we built it. I'm telling you it can make a big difference for you. It only works if you take action. I encourage you to head over to thelionwithinus, sign up today, get started with our community, because it all happens within a community. If you're not in a community, you're not even going to see what we're doing. You're not going to have a chance to even understand how we're helping people. So that would be my encouragement to you is go ahead, start that 30-day free trial, jump into the community and let's just see how we can help you, how we can serve you.

Chris Grainger:

Now. Stu talked a lot this week about making investments in yourself. I'm not going to back down from that. You have to make investments in yourself. What are you investing to grow as a disciple of Christ? Obviously, you need to be making a personal investment from a day spending time in the Word, reading and praying, but you need to have fellow brothers in Christ and you know what. Sometimes you need to put a little skin in the game and lean in and go. That's why we build the line within this community and we see how it's helping, how it's blessing people, how it's being just a good refuge for a lot of them, just to go to a safe place to go to and ask the questions, to be around the people that they know are going to pull them closer to Christ. Because if your circle of influence, your people in your life, are not pulling you closer to Christ, if they're pushing you further away, you better get a new circle. That's why we built the Lion Within us.

Chris Grainger:

All right, so that's the lionwithinus Head over there. Guys, give us a rating and review on the podcast. That would help, for sure. And if you want to be a monthly donor of the show, that would help tremendously as we continue to build the resources and the things out there that we need to help christian leaders be the men that god has called them to be. So we guys. Thank you so much. I absolutely love you initially. We love you guys for listening to the show I know there's lots of uh podcasts that you can listen to for the fact that you listen to the Lion Within. It means more to me than I can ever explain. So thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Have a great weekend, get after it. Have any questions? Reach out to thelionwithinus. That's where you'll find us. All right, have a great day and just remember, keep unleashing the lion within.

Chris Grainger:

If you're a man who's looking for greater spiritual guidance into how to become a better leader, finding resources that you can trust and then implement can be daunting For me personally. I thought it was a lost cause and I decided to take the action, knowing that I wasn't alone. It was because of this wide gap that we created our Lion Within Us community, and the areas that we're helping Christian men grow are incredible. For instance, we've built ways for guys to lean in and grow through fun events like our daily spiritual kickoff, where you get that much needed boost directly from God's word, our Bible studies that always focus on how to discern and apply what we learn on how to discern and apply what we learn, and even our amazing forum where you can speak your mind without fear of getting shut down or judged by the extreme rules of modern day social media. On top of all that, we know that many men won't help overcoming issues and becoming stronger in many different areas. That's why we created several mastermind groups where the iron truly sharpens the iron.

Chris Grainger:

Our community is about having a growth mindset, accountability, intentionality and transparency. In other words, just leave fake you at home and come to community just as you are. I fully believe what we feel. I see the impact it's making on men right now and I would love to have you check it out. So start your very own 30-day free trial today to see how we can help you be a better leader. So if you're ready to take that first step, head over to thelinewithinus and get started. Your journey begins here. Visit thelinewithinus and I'll see you inside the den.

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