The Lion Within Us - Leadership for Christian Men 

403. Staying True in a Distracting World - Fun Friday

July 26, 2024 Chris Grainger

What if you were unknowingly surrounding yourself with influences that erode your faith bit by bit? In this week's episode of the Lion Within Us, we dive deep into Psalm 1:1 and unveil the profound significance of who we walk, stand, and sit with as Christian leaders. Drawing compelling parallels to the subtle ways the enemy leads us astray, we illuminate how seemingly minor steps can have a monumental impact on our spiritual journey, much like the gradual erosion of sand by the sea. This episode is packed with guidance on how to stay vigilant and maintain strong, faith-centered relationships, ensuring that your walk with Christ remains steadfast.

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Chris Grainger:

Welcome to the Lion Within Us, a podcast serving Christian men who are hungry to be the leaders God intends you to be. I'm your host, chris Granger. Let's get into it, fellas. All right, fun Friday time. Excited to be here.

Chris Grainger:

The scripture of the week this week it's just one verse. It's a really cool verse though if you start really thinking about it. That's Psalm 1.1. It says Blessed is the one who doesn't walk in the step of the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers and I spent a lot of time on the SKO, as well as the primary, the meat episode this week Walking through those three verbs walk, stand, sit, okay.

Chris Grainger:

And what does that mean for us as Christian leaders and how we need to be on guard from the evil one, because the last thing he wants us to do is do anything that has us walking, standing or sitting with the Lord. Ok, so what he does? He trips us up. He trips us up by putting these deceptive things in our path that help that we find ourselves walking, standing and sitting with, and it's gradual. Ok, walk, the next thing, you know you're standing. Ok, I'm still going to learn a little. Standing and sitting with. And it's gradual. Okay, walk. The next thing, you know you're standing. Okay, I'm still going to learn a little bit more. I might as well just sit down and spend some time here.

Chris Grainger:

You see the gradual decline. No one just wakes up again and just sits down at a table and says, yeah, today, screw it, I'm just going to ruin it all. Today, you don't do that, that'd be ridiculous. Nope, it's gradual, just like the waves come over and over and over. What does that waves do? It starts eroding. It starts pulling back to sea, the sand, rather. You start losing some shoreline. That erosion, that's how sand works. It slowly erodes over time, little by little, step by step. If I I get you to pause here, hmm, okay, I'll walk a little more. Stop again, hmm, and eventually you'll find yourself sitting. That's where you got to be careful, because the influences that you have in your life, they're either pulling you closer or further away from the Lord. I pray, I pray, I pray, I pray that they're pulling you closer. So hopefully you guys just got a lot of time this week to think about who you're walking, who you're standing, who you're sitting with. I know I harped on it, but it's a big deal worth harping on.

Chris Grainger:

Okay, so now for our fun Friday episode. For the line within us. You guys know what's coming, hopefully, but we have tips. We go health, wealth and the self. Okay, so our health tip is how to have stronger minds and bodies. Wealth is career and finances being better stewards, ultimately and self is just building up better, stronger husbands and dads. We just need this. This is just basic, fundamental, blocking and tackling stuff.

Chris Grainger:

Okay, now the health tip. This actually came from the land within this community. I think this is my buddy, adam, brought me up this one. He said look, sitting is the new smoking. I'm like, what in the world are you talking about? He's like for real sitting. Think about how many jobs now they're just, they're digital jobs. I have one.

Chris Grainger:

I'm at my desk all the time I write. I'm in meetings. I'm at my desk all the time I write. I'm in meetings. I'm in podcasting, whatever it may be, not outside. That's why it's so critical for me to get up every morning, to get out in the woods, to go running, do all the stuff that I do, do a ruck, whatever it may be, because that sitting it's just terrible for you. And I thought that just jumped out to me when he said sitting is the new smoking, I sitting, some new smoking. I'm like don't go. That's real, right there, bro, and it's just real. So sometimes, throughout your day, find time where you get up, get outside.

Chris Grainger:

I heard a lot on a podcast this morning. I was on one of my rucks and they were talking about the power of walking and not walking on a treadmill, but truly walking outside and what happens when you walk in nature, through the way your brain works as you're going by these objects and you're actually walking because you're walking, stuff's going by you, and how that is a stress reliever, how it does so many positive things. So just get. If all you do is able to get out for five minutes, 10 minutes between meetings or phone calls, get outside and walk, because that sitting, that's the new smoking. All right, guys.

Chris Grainger:

Now the wealth tip. I want you to think about this Wise counsel. Now we talk about walk, stand and sit. A lot this week, okay.

Chris Grainger:

So think about the wise financial counsel that you find yourself sitting with, and I encourage you to seek financial advice from trusted brothers in Christ. Now you go, chris, what does that matter? I just need somebody who knows money. Uh-uh, uh-uh, because Christian brothers in Christ, they're going to view money a lot different than the secular world. They're going to understand your goals for stewardship. They're going to understand that you have values that you want to make sure that some of your investments don't align to and the secular type of investor is not going to get this. They're just not going to understand it because it's not on their radar. Okay, it'd be like asking my daughter to go out and be quarterback from 49ers, like she has no clue. She's two. She doesn't know how to do that Completely out of her wheelhouse. That's the way it is here for these investors. Now they're going to think that it is. Oh no, I get it.

Chris Grainger:

I want to talk about your values, but I'm telling you, when they Christian values, they have those themselves. It changes the way they view business. It changes the decisions that they make. It changes the way the conversation you're going to have with them. So I encourage you highly encourage you. Take the time to meet, to seek this wise counsel of Christian brothers and sisters in Christ that can give you the wealth decisions, the wealth insight to build your portfolio in a way to ultimately be honored and glorifying God. So just be careful here. Just be careful. All right. Now the self-tip Serve as a family. Serve as a family. Look for ways to serve together. Because here's the deal. We're talking about walking, standing and sitting. Guess what your kids are also watching who you're walking, standing and sitting with. They know, okay, usually we talk about it or they see you. So, as you think about, okay, how can I build a culture of serving as a family into our dynamics? You know what it's going to take some intentional work. It's not just going to fall in your lap, boys. The last thing the evil one wants you to do is to start serving as a family. I can tell you and go ahead and get prepared for this one. If you start serving as a family, the evil one's going to attack even more and more. That service is not going to be fun. There's going to be fights on the way to serving him. Don't believe me. Just go to church as a family. If you've never done this before, go to church as a family. All of a sudden, just decide you want to take everybody one Sunday and try to go to church to see what happens. The evil one's going to do all he can to make you sure that you are as worst frame of mind as possible when you walk through that church building. He just is. He's just going to do that. So serve Again. It's not about glorifying ourselves, it's about glorifying him. So find those opportunities and have some fun with it. Let the kids be part of that. Okay, all right. So there are your three tips your health, wealth and self. That health is the sitting, is the new smoking. Be careful If you find yourself sitting all the time like I do, get up, move around. Wealth tip Wise counsel from Christian financial advisors. Make that a non-negotiable in your criteria as you move forward. Self-tip Serve as a family. Let's just be real. Let's start serving as a family. Quite frankly, I'm going to start thinking about the book of the week. This week I went back to my buddy, don Manning a crazy cool family, because family is such a big deal. We just know we weren't trying to help you be the leaders that God calls you to be. But at the same time you've got to have a good family. You've got to lead your family well. They have a little book out called Five Steps, five Keys. Sorry to stop sibling fighting. So if you have kids, brothers, and they're constantly at war with each other. It's a cool little resource that Don recommends. It's an area in our ministry and our family, rather that I'm working on Our two older kids right now the time is recording at 13 and 12. They can just go at each other sometimes and they love each other right, but there seems to be this underlying thread of sibling fighting and you know what Resources like this. They're good to give you some insight, to give some tips, some things you maybe hadn't thought about. And plus, I love my brother, don, to death. So go check it out. Crazy, cool family, all this stuff. He's even been on the show once, I think maybe twice. He's just a cool guy. Anytime I get a chance to catch up with Don, it's a great day. So go check that out, guys. All right, now for dad jokes. This week let's get into our dad jokes. The first dad joke is why didn't Noah discipline the chickens on the ark? Hmm, I don't know, because they were using foul language. So there you go, guys I don't know are using foul language. So there you go, guys. I don't know. I guess because I like I had chickens. I like that one, you know, because we had chickens at the farm here. So number two what did the left eye say to the right eye? Hmm, between you and me, something smells. I normally don't laugh at them like this, but this week they're actually pretty good and I get these. So there you go. So number one why didn't Noah discipline the chickens on the ark? Because they were using foul language? And then number two why did the left eye, what did the left eye say to the right eye? Between you and me, something smells. And that old foul language makes me think of my buddy jd, because, uh, he's a chicken farmer like me. He's got, but he, his his chicken farm is a whole different level. So he's over at uncovering intimacy. Love my buddy over there. Go check out his uh podcast. By the way, you guys love the stuff that he he does each and every week. So, anyway, anyway, guys, if you got a dad joke remember dad jokes all that matters is eye rolls and little smirks, okay. So if you get one of those too, the dad joke was effective in its mission. And if you have a dad joke you want to send in support at thelinewithinus, just shoot me over what your dad joke is, we'll give you a shout out on the show, try to get a couple of free resource deals and just thank you so much, because we're always looking for good dad jokes. Okay, and the question of the week this week really harped on it a lot was are your friends drawing you closer or further from God? And I really want you to think about that. And this can be a hard one to think about. It can be difficult, you know, when you start having mental exercises like this that really challenged your core beliefs and I'm walking out my core beliefs and how does that stuff manifest in my life? And man, I really these, these, these. I just don't see myself ever being able to separate from these friends because these are my friends. I get it. This is hard stuff. Discipleship is hard. I wish it was easier. I really do. I wish I could tell you, you know, spend time with whoever you want to spend time with, spend money however you want to spend money, have sex with whoever you want to have sex with, do whatever makes you feel good. You know what? Dale? Who's going to tell you that? The evil one? The world. So it's my job at the Lion to tell you the truth, the hard things, the things that the world thinks is, quite frankly, stupid. They're going to laugh a lot at what I say. That's okay, because I'm not doing this for accolades of the world. I'm doing this to serve a holy and righteous God and hopefully, hopefully, get a little message out to you that draws you a little bit closer to Him. That's it, just a little bit closer to God. The Holy Spirit does all the saving, all the big work. I'm just trying to use the gifts that God's given me to encourage you. So hopefully that helps you. So head over to thelionwithinus. Don't forget the, the T-H-E. Lionwithinus. Lots of resources there, guys. We've got 30 Days to Unleash the Lion Within. We have lots of ways to try to help people. We have our resources from our Bible study. We have the devotionals out there that are on YouVersion. But the main thing, guys, is the community. If I'm honest with you, community is what I'm most excited about, because community is where guys come together and they have conversations and where they grow. I know that so many churches out there are absolutely dumpster fire when it comes to men's ministry. It's just going to be real. They don't know how to do it. They struggle making meaningful connection. We've built it. We're constantly building it. We have discipleship mastermind groups constantly happening because we see and we recognize the need to lean in and to help these Christian men be the leader that God intends them to be. And it doesn't happen by mistake. It takes a lot of intentional effort and work. Sounds interesting to you? Start your free trial today. You have a 30-day. We'll give you a month. Guys, give you a month. If you don't like it, after a month, tell me to go pound sand. That's okay. It may not be for you, but there's literally nothing to lose. You've got nothing to lose. You've got a whole lot to gain, a whole lot to gain. So I pray you take some action. Go to lionwithinus Maybe you want to be a donor. Just support the show, the mission trips, all the things that we do. Go to the lionwithinus slash, donate. That'd be great there as well. And then look at our events. We have some awesome live events coming up. Some of them are at the farm, some of them are mission trips. Guys, we need you. So if you're looking for that opportunity to come together to have a meaningful connection with others that you're just not getting anywhere else, check out our events. It's thelionwithinus. So, guys, have a great weekend, get after it. So, thelinewithinus so guys, have a great weekend, get after it. So, guys, have a great weekend, get after it. Let me know if you have any questions. Anything that's going on in the community Thelinewithinus is how you connect with us. Again, we're pretty excited on so many awesome things we have going on within the Line, within Us. Love for you to be a part of it, love for you to see what we're doing and answer any questions you have. So have a great one, get after it. Stay strong. You know what's coming right. Keep unleashing the lion within. If you're a man who's looking for greater spiritual guidance into how to become a better leader, finding resources that you can trust and then implement can be daunting. For me personally, I thought it was a lost leader. Finding resources that you can trust and then implement can be daunting. For me personally, I thought it was a lost cause and I decided to take the action, knowing that I wasn't alone. It was because of this wide gap that we created our line within this community, and the areas that we're helping Christian men grow are incredible. For instance, we've built ways for guys to lean in and grow through fun events like our daily spiritual kickoff, where you get that much needed boost directly from God's word. Our Bible studies that always focus on how to discern and apply what we learn, and even our amazing form, where you can speak your mind without fear of getting shut down or judged by the extreme rules of modern day social media or judged by the extreme rules of modern day social media. On top of all that, we know that many men won't help overcoming issues and becoming stronger in many different areas. That's why we created several mastermind groups where the iron truly sharpens iron. Our community is about having a growth mindset, accountability, intentionality and transparency. In other words, just leave fake you at home and come to community just as you are. I fully believe what we feel. I see the impact it's making on men right now and I would love to have you check it out. So start your very own 30-day free trial today to see how we can help you be a better leader. So if you're ready to take that first step, head over to thelinewithinus and get started. Your journey begins here. Visit thelinewithinus and I'll see you inside with them.

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